LinkedIn has become an essential part of one's professional life. It represents our online presence and how we will interact with the industry.
Join Sharan Bhinder, Senior Relationship Manager: Enterprise at LinkedIn, for an interactive workshop as she shares why a profile page is the foundation for your personal branding, and how to ensure you make an excellent first impression.
During this practical session, you will learn: how to build your presence online with LinkedIn, extend your network of contacts, position yourself as an industry thought leader and create new opportunities and possibilities for yourself both professionally and personally. In addition, you will be able to gain some insights into how HR departments and recruiters use LinkedIn to identify the top candidates.
Workshop Takeaways:
1. Unleash the power of LinkedIn for business opportunities to hire and get hired.
2. Learn how to use LinkedIn for more than networking.
3. Building your personal brand by creating an effective profile.
4. Building a robust network.
Date/Time: Thursday 8th December/6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Kaplan City Campus at Wilkie Edge, Room WE502, 8 Wilkie Rd, #02-01 Wilkie Edge, Singapore 228095
Numbers are limited and registration in advance is essential.
Free admission to members of the Irish Chamber of Commerce Singapore. A member can bring one guest. Members are required to register their guest's name and email address.
For payment by credit card - fees may apply. Use PayNow using UEN number: S92SS0093H. Please ensure to add your name(s) in the payment reference or email