Join us for July's First Friday Breakfast, happening on Friday the 2nd of July at 8.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. (SGT Time).
Our 'Spotlight series' this month will be with Kerry Consulting discussing "Managing your Career in these times" presented by Agnes Yee, Head of Legal Practice | Head of Interim Solutions.
"Managing your career in these times"
"These times" refers to the 'Time of the Coronavirus'.โจ"These times" refers to uncertain times, times of change, and times of new beginnings."These times" also refers to this inflection point where everyone has inevitably moved into remote working, online meetings and home-based learning.
Amidst this tidal wave of global change that permeates both our family and work lives, how do we manage our careers?
Kerry Consulting is pleased to share insights from professionals who have successfully pivoted their careers, how they eased into this transition, and highlight trends that have emerged from these unprecedented times.
Free admission to Members of the Irish Chamber of Commerce Singapore. Please login to register. Email: for assistance.
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